Where have I been?!? What have we been up to here in DavisLand? June has been a ka-razy month! The start of our summer has been full. After our egg retrieval in late May, we took a break from the blogging and social media world. Believe it or not, as much as I love being able to help others in their journey, blogging, and sharing life with you, this girl and her handsomeness of a husband needed a break! Whew! I’ve been spending some time brainstorming future posts, serving in our church, enjoying walks with my pups, heading on vacation to Nags Head, and of course, we’ve been planning our future transfer – FET. There may or may not have been a few naps worked in there, too. We’ve been rebuilding our farm’s website, generating ideas for future business {@thornebrookfarmsva}, taking care of our critters (all 120+ of them), and getting our summer garden tended to. Busy, busy, busy.
So, that’s what we’ve been up to. On to today’s important chat.
Going through IVF is no small feat. Sharing your story to complete strangers and even to family & friends is a big deal. Not many do it. Approaching my egg retrieval and the aftermath of it was a fearful task. Things of this caliber require faith. Faith big enough to move mountains. Through that faith, fear was conquered and pushed aside. Fear of surgery. Fear of the success of the surgery. Fear that our little embryos wouldn’t be the “little embryos that could” and survive. Fear that we would only get one or two viable embryos. Fear of the pain that comes with these surgeries and treatments. All of it. Our faith has had what I can only describe as the crossfit, military style workout. WOD anyone??? No excuses. We just had to do it through blood, sweat, and tears.
Over the last couple of months, God has been laying 2 Timothy 1:7 on my heart. At first it was completely for me so that I could get through all that my life was facing and still faces even as we speak. This journey isn’t over afterall… as much as I’d like it to be! As I’ve faced these fears and attacked them with my faith and the truths of His word, He spoke 2 Timothy over me. That was the dose of reality that I needed to carry on. The reality that He is alive and has given us Power {God Himself}, Love {Christ}, and a sound mind {the Holy Spirit}. That He hears our cries. That He knows our fears, burdens, and needs. Keep calm and carry on because God has you in His hands! We can just nestle right on it them, being the fearless sons and daughters that we are made to be!
I’ve been praying the last month for a friend fighting for her life and 2 Timothy has resurfaced. But, this time it’s not for me. It’s for her. Katie is a friend from high school and thanks to the wonderful advancements of today, Facebook has enabled me to keep up with her. She is battling leukemia at a young 33 years old. In fact, she joked about having to celebrate her birthday in the hospital between radiation and chemo treatments. She officially turns 33 on Friday (July 8).
Katie is a believer and has posted her testimony of faith through this trial on Facebook. Like others of us battling an uphill trial, she felt a call to go public with her journey and share how her faith is intertwined in it all.
I ask that you pray for my friend, Katie. Pray 2 Timothy 1:7 over her. Pray that she would be physically strong in her treatments. That God would heal her of the leukemia. That through her journey, others’ faith would be strengthened or that those watching would come to know the saving grace of our Lord and Savior. That her own faith would be strengthened. That she would continue to be a light for Him – fearless and bold. For her family and friends surrounding her that they would be strengthened and able. That they too would be fearless in their belief that God has Katie in His hands.
Many, many people struggle with cancer, infertility, illness & disease, marital & financial troubles, the list goes on. But to those of us who have trusted the Lord with our lives, we approach our battles differently. We see them as His will and an opportunity to grow our faith, share our faith, and live out our faith. We are fearless. We are different. And there’s a reason why.
How can we face death and be so calm and joyful? Or the prospect of being childless and yet continue about our work and responsibilities while putting aside the somber energy our heart truly wants to wade around in? Remember joy and happiness are two completely different things. You may not see a woman smiling through every bit of her infertility journey. But, she faces life with confidence and she does still laugh at the days to come. My friend Katie is looking death right in the face and stands as she does it. She’s smiling as she is physically able but has been joyful and continues to be through her battle. She’s fighting the good fight. And friends, where two or more are gathered He is there. I’ve seen this first hand in my own walk. The things the Lord has done for Brooks and I have been incredible and unexplainable. They haven’t always been what we wanted our life to be. But, it’s always been better than we’ve wanted. He will do the same for Katie. He will do the same for you if you should allow Him into your heart.
Katie if you see this, bless you girl! I am so proud of you and the faithful woman that you are. Through Him, keep strong no matter what! You’re story and example of triumph and fearlessness is quite the testimony. Love you!
A woman who fears the Lord, SHE SHALL BE PRAISED! {Proverbs 31: 30} And girl, praised you shall be!
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