In the wake of my BFN (big fat negative pregnancy test), I am going through the normal doubts and wonderings. Questioning everything. Finding my self bored with life and unable to sit still. Wondering if I’m still on the right path.
Plus, you know, the normal life stuff… Marriage… Friendships… Family issues… Completely normal. We all have them! One of those weeks.
But, that’s when we need to focus on the things for which to be thankful.
How can we be thankful when it’s work to do so. When we are faced with tragedy and disappointment.
So, here I am giving it a shot. I know the Lord will bless this emotional mess.
As I sit in my empty home tonight (Brooks is at a meeting), I wrote out the things I am thankful for this week.
Lord help me to focus on the good you have so graciously given to me this week.
Things I am Grateful For This Week:
- The will to get up & do something. #Determination
- God’s nudges to pray. And to make this list.
- His word instilled on my heart.
- His word fresh and anew.
- Success in my running this week.
- New running pants found on clearance.
- Impending Valentine’s Day with my love.
- A forgiving heart in Brooks & I and our ability to smile & laugh after a fight.
- My dogs and how excited they get when it’s time for us to go for a run.
- Their obedience during our run.
- The color peach.
- Good books.
- Orange infused water. #Homemade
- Home-cooked meals and when Brooks tells me I’ve made him the best soup he’s ever had.
- My husband working out and wanting to go hiking with me!
- My dog, Jack, staring at me until I give him a hug. #GoldenRetrieversAreTheBEST
- An ice cream sundae enjoyed at home. #PaleoCheat
- Hot tea.
- Psalm 126.
- The fact that I have the freedom to cry out to the Lord… And know that I’m heard.
- A Facebook message of encouragement from a friend.
- {Surviving &} Enjoying nursery duty at church.
- Cold weather running.
- My husband making me laugh.
- Moments when I’m allowed to be “one of the boys”.
- Hearing the thuds and roars of the train going by my house.
- A clean house.
- A house to clean.
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