I would say, for me, Sanctity of Life Sunday is the second hardest Sunday in my calendar year (the first is Mother’s Day, but that’s a whole other blog post). With so much going on, it snuck up on me this year. I went to church, grabbed a bulletin, and saw it – a time allotment for prayer in remembrance of this tragedy infiltrating our world.
Our little country church assembled together and did what we all need to be doing more of – we prayed. We prayed in unison for the Lord to embrace those little ones who will never shout the beautiful voices they were robbed of. We prayed for the women making that choice for them. That they would be forgiven {and KNOW that they are forgiven!!) and led in a different direction. We prayed for the doctors and counselors and those surrounding the women who are guiding them into this decision. That they would turn from their ways and see life in a whole new way. That each life is precious and loved. And not something to be thrown out, wasted.
The pain and agony of a barren woman on her knees praying for the very people destroying what she holds so dear, it’s that all-consuming fire that I spoke of in my guest post this month. Burning anger of the empty womb. To watch this movement called abortion spread like wild-fire (there is it again – fire) in this world is devastating. My stomach drops every time I think about it. {Enter nausea.}
All of this was going through my heart as we gathered in prayer. As I stood before my church preparing to pray, my head bowed in submission to my Creator, my body shook. How is it that God would call me to pray for my enemy?
Our fellow human beings are not our enemies. We are waging war with Satan himself in this.
My anger kindled towards my true enemy made way for a dousing of the flames burning for abortion. I was able to pray differently. I prayed for a revival in the human hearts involved in this movement – for forgiveness and renewal of their heart.
Then it happened.
I couldn’t tell you who in our church spoke the words. He had led someone to pray for those of us walking through infertility and yet having to watch the mangled mess we live in today.
But, all I heard was God’s voice. Remembering us infertiles.
As I sat, head still bowed, in the remembrance of this thing that breaks my heart in pieces, God, with His grand entrance into my heart, proved that He remembers me, too. Then, I cried in awe of the One who creates, forms, remembers, and loves all.
He’s broken my heart for what breaks His and in the same breath mended it.
I can rest knowing that He knows. He knows my pain, He knows those little souls lost to abortion, He knows the women making these decisions, and He definitely knows who is truly behind this evil work.
He knows. Breathe.
He knows. Rest.
He knows. Have peace.
He knows. Lie down in green pastures.
“O Lord, open my lips, And my mouth shall show forth Your praise. For You do not desire sacrifice, or else I would give it; You do not delight in burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, A broken and a contrite heart— These, O God, You will not despise.”
Psalms 51:15-17 NKJV
If you are contemplating abortion or are walking through an unplanned pregnancy, know that you are loved! Loved by the very Creator of that little life within your belly. You have options. While the world will tell you that abortion is one of them, God says it isn’t. He has a purpose for you and your child.
Seek the right counsel. Our church’s arms are open to help you in any way we are able. We would be blessed to watch your journey unfold and see how the Lord will work in your lives. At the very least, we can pray for you.
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